What Is The Auto Command For Wrap Text Mac

What free software can convert audio files into text files? Update Cancel. Ad by Jira Software, Atlassian. Express Scribe is a legal transcribe software for Mac and PC which is developed for music transcription with the help of foot pedals and hotkeys. The program is specifically designed for typists that offers variable speed playback. The transcribe software of today, which convert “audio to text” is capable of working on multiple platforms such as Windows and Mac. They can be used as an interview transcription software or music transcription software, or as a software to transcribe audio files and video files of any sort. Free audio to text software for mac. Audio to text converter free download - Free Audio Converter, Switch Free Audio and Mp3 Converter, EZ CD Audio Converter, and many more programs. Best Video Software for the Mac How To Run. When you are in quest of a credible free Mac audio to text translator software, MAXQDA would be a great option anyday. The powerful transcription software comes with a robust data analysis functionality which makes data recognition easier for the users.


All the text wrapping options you see in Word are for regular text (i.e., not in a text box) to wrap around the text box itself or an object, and not vice versa.

This content has been, and is no longer maintained by Indiana University. Top 10 best antivirus software 2018. Resources linked from this page may no longer be available or reliable. Line-wrapping is done through the use of a variable in called wrapmargin. While in vi, to set up line-wrapping, press Esc, then type::setwrapmargin=8 This will make the text you're typing wrap to the next line when it is eight letters from the right-hand side of the screen. To set vi to always wrap text by default, edit or create a file called.exrc in your home directory, and add the following line: set wrapmargin=8 If you would like to reformat a paragraph after adding or deleting text from it, move the cursor to the beginning of the paragraph and enter the following: ESC!}fmt This calls fmt, an external program, to reformat the text. If you are on a System V computer, you can substitute a different command by entering: ESC!}adjust -m70 To set up the letter q to do paragraph filling automatically, add the following line to your.exrc: file: map q!}fmt^M To type ^M, press Ctrl-v, then press Enter.

Since I bought my first iPhone a few months ago, my main use for it has been web browsing, which is for me a much nicer experience when I can just lay on my sofa instead of sitting in front of a desktop (I would buy an iPad but I can't afford one atm). The only problem I get is when I reach text heavy websites. The text on these sites is so small, that even when I turn the device to landscape (which I hate doing) it's still small enough to hurt my eyes.

Html code for text. My dad recently bought a Motorola Droid, and after trying it out I noticed that the browser wraps the text to whatever level you zoom into. Mac program for exel. Why doesn't Safari do this? It makes no sense to me that when you zoom in, you have to start scrolling sideways to read the text.

What is chart in excel. I don't mind the iPhone having a smaller screen than some of the other smartphones, but I fail to understand, why would such a simple feature would be omitted? Does anyone know if there's anyway to add such a feature? Click to expand.not exactly - some websites have layout that fit the iphone better and thus the text is more readable, but that is not the point.

What i'm talking about is an auto text wrap - when you zoom in with safari, as the fonts get bigger, the text layout doesn't change - so at a certain point, the text width will be bigger than the display and you will have to start scrolling from side to side to read the text. This doesn't happen on android for because its browser wraps the text around whatever zoom level you're at so for example, this sentence, if you'd zoom on it with an android device would look like this: this sentence, if you'd zoom on it with you're android device. IPhone and text wrap (word wrap, word re-wrap, text re-flow) Scholoplastic, I have searched all over the internet for more information on this topic and I am very surprised that more people like US aren't annoyed by this. How to use squirrel sql. I am going to attack this problem with a blog page and try to draw as much attention to this issue as possible. I'm sick of seeing all of these new fantastic Android devices like the Evo 4G & Droid X, for example, being equipped with word wrapping, unlike my iPhone 4. I have had an iPhone 3GS for a year, and recently upgraded to the 4.

I use my iPhone to read a LOT, and this issue is one that has become a thorn in my foot! I HATE scrolling from side to side to read articles. On the new Android devices, you can double-tap to realign the text, and it will wrap around. On the Evo 4G, you can dynamically reflow the text as you zoom! The Droid X may do this also, but when I tried it, my friend may not have had the setting to allow for the dynamic re-flowing. When you read tons of articles and you have to stay up on current events in your field, text wrapping is VITAL.

I can read around 800 words per minute on an Android device just by scrolling in far enough that the sentences are only 2 to 3 words in width. I then flick down the article, and I can read at an incredible rate. It is similar to the software programs you can get on the web that allow for easier speed reading. There's nothing like it.

Scrolling side-to-side on my iPhone is archaic. And I am sick and tired of the excuses for why this is not available. Please email me and I will send you the address of the blog page when I fire it up so you can help me draw some attention to it! Most iPhone owners are new to mobile browsers, and have never seen any other way, which is why there's little complaint except from people with more mobile experience.

What Is The Auto Command For Wrap Text Mac Word

Mobile Safari took the zoom factor and applied it universally instead of thoughtfully. Almost all other mobile browsers for the past ten years did/do text wrapping. Besides making it far easier and more natural to read text at any magnification, it is good HTML behavior to reflow text to fit the current view. Desktop browsers do it all the time. InstaPaper Really need a good solution for this as well.

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Capti Voice has been voted #1 “Best Text to Speech software for Windows, Mac, and iOS” (Slant.co, September 2017). Download instagram for windows computer. It is not a coincidence that of the many reading apps you can find online Capti is considered to be the best text to speech app. Free apps for voice to text free download - Free Voice to Text, Text Reader: Text to Voice, Voice to Text - Text to Speech, and many more programs. Best Video Software for the Mac How To Run. Voice to Text is pretty much redundant in the age of Google Keyboard, Dragon etc. But for folks that would still like a simple, no-frills speech-to-text app that sends an email message based on what you spoke into the mic, this is it.

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You said something to your computer and it magically transformed that into text, ready to be used in your email, document, notes etc. This used to be one of the futuristic things for me back in early 2000 (before the advent of smartphones) and continued to be something I wished I had on my phone till recently. With things like Siri and Google Now, voice recognition has reached new levels of accuracy, smartness and utility. Most of us use speech-to-text for search (Siri and Google Search) or for voice memo / notes (Evernote). There are also apps that allow you to send an email or a Whatsapp message by dictating to it.

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We will look at some of the best speech to text apps that you can use on your Android smartphone/tablet. Google Keyboard Once you have Google Keyboard installed, there’s no point in looking further (and kind of beats the purpose of covering other voice-to-text apps). Google Keyboard replaces your default keypad with its own minimalist variant. Naturally, it also features voice dictation which is pretty accurate and corrects contextually. One of the benefits of a voice-to-text feature on your keypad is that you can use this everywhere. There are two ways to trigger the voice-to-text: tap the microphone icon on the top-left of the keypad or tap and hold the comma (,) to get to settings where you can select Voice Input. What’s in it: • smart, context-aware voice-to-text conversion • loads of customization options; learns from your voice inputs • universal: can be used in any app that requires a keypad input • can be used offline with the right voice data packages Speech to Text I have a general aversion to poorly designed interfaces even if the functions are great.

Shift+Ctrl+Home – Select the text between the cursor and the beginning of the text entry field. Shift+Page Down – Select a frame of text below the cursor. Shift+Page Up – Select a frame of text above the cursor. Shift+Ctrl+End – Select the text between the cursor and the end of the text entry field. Is there a short cut key for bolding text on mac. Shift+End – Select the text between the cursor and the end of the current line.

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Balabolka is a TTS program that allows you to read clipboard content and text from several types of files, such as DOC, EPUB, HTML, MOBI, LIT, CHM, PRC, PDF, and RTF files. You can also have the content of the clipboard read to you. Speech

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How to text on your laptop using imessage for no mac users. Contents • • • • • Use iMessage for pc windows 10, Windows 8 or Mac: Alternate Ways works on Windows 10/9/8/7 Use chrome Remote desktop Some people are worried about what a solution but some critical situation just like you have only windows Laptop with you or Desktop at the office, Your Mac desktop at home and Wants to start iMessage chat on a remote desktop. If you found any problem due to incompatible OS version, Setup or installation error then get back here with us in the comment box. IMessage on PC Reddit users giving such honest opinion like “Apple Officially locked down iMessage for windows, In Future Apple, will give through icloud.com, So we don’t need to install any third-party software.” Although we shared tricks to use iMessage on Windows PC running any Windows OS. Wait for that time when it’s available officially access or use iMessage on Windows platforms I will update here, till to the time enjoy these below tips.

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Jun 29, 2011  How to Convert Text Into a Spoken Audio File in Mac OS X. The Text to Spoken Audio feature is enabled by default in modern versions of Mac OS X, including 10.7 Lion, 10.8 Mountain Lion, 10.9 Mavericks, El Capitan, and Yosemite. Convert wav file to mp3 in itunes. Jul 05, 2018  Go to “File>Import” and select the WAV file you just converted from MP3. The program fills the large white box in the window with the text from your audio file. Copy and paste the text to your favorite text editing program for further editing.

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What is a MAC iOS Code Editor? Now before you look for best text editors for Mac one must know little about text editor.A text editor is a program that serves the purpose of editing the plain text files. I searched for this and found Maudite's question about text editors but they were all for Windows. As you have no doubt guessed, I am trying to find out if there are any text/code editors for the Mac besides what I know of.

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Because of its extensive features, support for 84 languages, and free price, Notepad++ was voted as the most used text editor worldwide with 34.7 percent of 26,086 respondents on Stack Overflow claiming to use it daily. It has also won a number of prestigious awards including the “Best Programming Text Editor for Windows” award from Lifehacker in 2011 and 2014. Install mac os on windows. Why Is Notepad++ Mac Not Available? Unfortunately, it’s impossible to download Notepad++ for Mac. You might think that Notepad++ Mac isn’t available because it’s also not possible to download Notepad for Mac, but that’s not the real reason why. Notepad++ relies extensively on Win32 API, the 32-bit application programming interface for modern versions of Windows. Win32 API consists of many components, including things like file systems, devices, processes, threads, and error handling.

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How To Bold Text In Indesign For A Mac

How To Bold Text In Indesign For A Mac

How to Create a Bold 90s Text Effect in Adobe InDesign We’ll create the effect directly in Adobe InDesign, and you can easily paste the type across into another InDesign document or other Adobe software. Click on the text you want to format to select it, then perform one of the following steps to format the text to italic. Select a font from the Font Family menu of the InDesign control panel at.

Those who have worked with fonts for a long time have developed a lore about them, and how to handle them successfully. One of these pieces of knowledge is that if you’re having font problems (fonts which don’t display correctly, for example), a possible solution is to delete the AdobeFnt files on your computer. Text I was reminded of this because of on his blog.

What are these mysterious files which appear in odd places in your computer? For example, when I did a search this morning on my computer, here’s a partial list of what I found: It turns out that these are font cache files. Your operating system and Adobe’s own font technology (used in all the Adobe Creative Suite applications) create cache files to make font display faster.

It’s rather a rare event, but because these files may be updated and modified, it’s possible that they, like all files on your computer, may get corrupted. The symptoms of corruption might be a font which displays incorrectly. (This can also be caused by a corrupted font as well.

Outlook for mac text encodings. But that would require a separate article!) You can freely delete font cache files because the operating system or the Adobe font mechanism automatically generates new ones when it needs them. Thomas’ post is to tell you how to correctly delete these files. If you do a search like I did, you’ll see a large number of files with the extension *.lst. These are the font cache files which you may want to delete. The confusion is that there are also two files whose names begin with AdobeFnt, which you don’t want to delete.

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One of them is the AdobeFnt.db file I’ve circled in the illustration above. The other is the FntNames.db file. For the archane details of what these files do, I’ll refer you to Thomas’ blog entry.

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But there’s nothing wrong with having these files! They normally do no harm, and they probably speed up your font display. You only need to delete them in the event you were having a problem. Just a note that the comment about “you only need to delete them in the event you were having a problem” could potentially be construed as applying to the above mentioned AdobeFnt.db and FntNames.db, which would be a mistake.

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There is nothing wrong with purging the AdobeFnt*.lst files (or any other font cache file from Apple, Microsoft, etc.), but you may need to restart applications (or your OS) afterwards so they can be recreated (e.g., you don’t want to purge the font caches while an application that may be using them is active). I’ve installed InDesign CS4 and the bugs are really bugging me. One in particular: it doesn’t recognize that I have Arial Narrow on my machine. A file that looks fine in CS4, doesn’t work in CS4.

Speech To Text In Microsoft Word 2013 For Mac

Popularity of iPad, mobile browsers and such forced web developers to phase out flash in favor of HTML5. We decided to share it with you because the idea of Mac PowerPC is to share all the information/apps/news about Mac OS X PowerPC. * Adobe Flash 11.5 – P.S.: This is infact a hacked plugin! Adobe flash player for mac powerbook g4 download. I know this steps away from our norm, but the policy of Mac PowerPC is to share all options for PowerPC, with a focus on the free and readily available! This is not 100% secure, if you do try it – do so at your own risk.

I have to say that txtfree has some advantages. Txtfree doesn't seem to have this limitation, and that's a big deal. The main problem with beejive is that it only allows you to remain logged in for up to 24 hours (and I find I'm often logged out earlier than that), so if someone sends you a message and you're logged out of their server you WILL NOT get a push notification. Free text apps for computer.

A new project from Microsoft’s experimental R&D group, Garage, is launching today to offer a way to type using your voice in Office programs including Outlook, Word and PowerPoint. Available as an add-in for Microsoft’s software, Dictate is powered by the same speech recognition technology that Cortana uses in order to convert your speech to text. This is also same speech recognition and A.I. Used in Microsoft Cognitive Services, including Microsoft Translator, the company says in an about the new add-in. The idea for Dictate emerged from a hackathon project, notes Microsoft, and afterwards was used internally at Microsoft by over 1,500 employees across 40 countries.

Microsoft Word for Mac 2016 has a nice feature which generates random text. Here’s the details on how it works and how to customize it. NaturalReader Online is a text to speech web application with high quality premium voices for personal use only. Login from any computer to convert any written text such as MS Word, PDF files, non-DRM eBooks, and webpages into spoken natural sounding speech. As a result, your Mac must be connected to the Internet, your words might not convert to text as quickly, and you can speak for no more than 40 seconds at a time (30 seconds in OS X Yosemite or earlier).

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Speech To Text In Microsoft Word

The add-in to some extent competes with other solutions, like Nuance’s for dictation in Office 365 or Office 365 Online, for example, or even built-in OS-level support for dictation, which is already a feature found in both the and operating systems. Dictate, meanwhile, only works in Office. However, it offers support for a number of commands, like “new line,” “stop dictation,” and “enter,” as well as other punctuation marks and actions. You can also choose to insert your punctuation manually, or allow the software to do it automatically as you speak.

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Speech To Text In Microsoft Word 2013 For Mac

Speech To Text In Microsoft Word 2013 For Mac 2011

An introductory video posted this morning to offers a preview of how the software works in Word, PowerPoint, and Outlook. Once the add-in is installed, a new menu appears in the productivity app’s toolbar, allowing you to click to begin your dictation. In the demo, Dictate was shown handling the nonsense word “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious,” as well as inputting text in simple email. It also at launch supports more than 20 languages for dictation, and can translate in real-time into 60 languages.  Best cad software for mac. This is perhaps its most clever trick, as that means you can speak in your language, while Dictate types it out in another. (To what extent this will work well for longer sentences and complex word combinations remains to seen, however.) The add-in works on Office 32-bit and 64-bit, and requires that users are on Windows 8.1 or later, Office 2013 or higher, and the.Net framework 4.5.0 or later. Because it’s a Garage project, it may or may not be further developed going forward.

Text Editing Software For Mac

Text Editing Software For Mac
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Editing your photos on your iPhone is one thing, but editing your photos on your Mac can take your photography skills to a whole 'nother level. Many of us still keep our main libraries on our Macs because of its faster processors, larger storage, and all-around bigger computing power. The Mac is still the best device for serious photo editing, so you need some serious photo editing apps to make an impact.

Text Editing Software For Mac

The built-in Photos app on Mac offers several useful photo editing tools. You can crop, adjust lighting and color, set the white balance, add filters, remove unwanted blemishes, and a few more things. However, in all honesty? Outlook for mac text encoding for microsoft. It's not really meant to be a robust editing app, so If you are looking for something to really finish your photos right, we've got a list of the best photo editors for Mac right here. • • • • • • • Affinity Photo. If you're looking for a photo editing app that goes above and beyond for the pricetag, while still allowing you complete creative control over your images, then it might be worth it to take a peek at Affinity Photo. Affinity Photo supports unlimited layers, groups, layer adjustments, filters, masking, and more: you also have access to tools like dodge, red-eye fix, burn, blemish, clone, and patch (so pretty much Photoshop without all the convoluted bells and whistles).

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Looking for a Mac text editor? UltraEdit is the perfect text, hex, and programmers editor with millions of users worldwide. Download a free trial! UltraEdit text editor for Mac. The world's favorite text and source code editor, on Mac. It can handle complex and sophisticated software-development projects. But despite its vast range of. Hello, today I'm going to talk about text editing software for Mac. Actually, I'm not a developer but I mostly use text editor for editing WordPress themes or plugins & sitemaps.

Nondestructive auto-saving makes undoing everything you've done easy, so if you need to start from the beginning, the option is there. Play, manipulate, edit, and get hella creative with Affinity Photo whether you're a serious graphic designer or someone who's just looking to do some basic editing. Your photography will seriously thank you. Is there a short cut key for bolding text on macbook pro. • $49.99 - Fotor Photo Editor. Searching for a super simple, straight-forward photo editing app that's there to help you edit and not confuse you to the point of ripping out your hair? Homework help geography. Then check out Fotor Photo Editor!

Text Editing Software For Mac

With this photo editor, you can easily adjust contrast and color of more washed-out photos, add borders, tilt and shift your images, add different text, slap on a few filters, and so much more, all from the easy-to-find toolbox on the right side of the app. You can even create collages of your photography masterpieces!

How can I choose a good topic for my research paper? Choose a topic that is interesting to you. Consider the scope of your topic. If your topic is too broad it may be hard to find information. Background research. Though this seems like extra work, it is actually a vital, time-saving step.. Sep 03, 2018  Choose a broad topic for your paper based on your research. The process of getting to know the topics better should have helped you better feel out which area is most of interest to you. Weigh your interest in what you’ve found out and the resources available. An area of high interest with a lot of resources is ideal. The factors that influence when choosing the topic for research paper: Collect your ideas. Choose the topic which you will understand and be able to collect the sources. Make a key words list. Make your topic as one research question. Broaden your mind, look for more literature and try to. Choosing a topic for a research paper ppt. Dec 06, 2017  To choose between several research paper topic ideas representing some value, you need to read general data about the subjects for discussion in each separate case. There are multiple resources such as encyclopedia articles. Most universities do not accept Wikipedia but you may use it to find additional sources at the bottom of their articles. Wikipedia can also be a source of the vocabulary words to make your paper. Jun 06, 2018  2. Use the computer to search for articles related to your topic. It’s also important to choose a topic that you really like because you have to work hard on it. You can not do a really good job if you choose a topic that you hate. Use the information on the Internet and these advices, then you will be able to write a good research paper.

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The BBC once called Fotor Photo Editor 'light Photoshop', and they're kind of right! You can go above and beyond editing your images with Fotor Photo Editor without getting bogged down by more complicated editing buttons and tools. • Free - Lightroom. Pretty much anything you want to do with your photo, you can accomplish with Lightroom. You can blend and merge shadows and highlights, sharpen dull, blurry images so they look crisp and clear, add details and tint colors to make a photo stand out, and so, so much more. While it is a bit more on the complicated side, people who use the program and know how to navigate it are hooked. Keep in mind, there are two versions of the app — there's the Classic version, which is more preferred, and the 2018 CC version.

If you're hesitant about the program and paying for it, you can download Lightroom free for 30 days as part of a trial period. After that, you can add it to your Photoshop CC subscription for $9.99 per month. • Free trial - Pixelmator. Amp up your photo editing skills with a little bit of help from Pixelmator! This particular photo editing app allows you to combine two different photos into one (while still allowing you to edit over each layer), add shapes, gradients, filters, tints, and more, and completely change and edit your photography to make it fit perfectly to your aesthetic.

Word For Mac 2011 Text Box Toolbar

You can also perform the actions supported by the accessibility object, allowing you to see how these actions affect the values of various attributes and the app itself. If you click the rectangular button in the bottom-right corner of the Accessibility Inspector panel, you’ll see a light blue overlay over the locked UI element. In the main utility window, you can go to the object’s parent, children, or other related objects, such as the containing window or the top-level app ( AXApplication). Mac os enable text input for window. Figure 6-2 shows the Accessibility preferences icon locked.

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To add a button to a toolbar that is displayed, drag the button from the Commands box to the toolbar. For example, under Categories, click View. In the Commands box, click View Field Codes, and drag it to the Standard toolbar. Styles in Form Text Boxes in Word for Mac 2011. The code has to unprotect, apply the protection, then reprotect the document. But I don't know whether Mac 2011 will support VBA, or even the same VBA. Cindy Meister, VSTO/Word MVP. Marked as answer by Bruce Song Wednesday, November 16, 2011 5:29 AM; Tuesday, November 8, 2011 6:21 PM. Interested to learn how to insert and format text boxes in Word for Mac 2011? This video will show you how it's done. How To: Insert and format a text box in Microsoft Word for Mac 2011 By getexcellent; 11/2/10 9:55 AM. Interested to learn how to insert and format text boxes in Word for Mac 2011? This video will show you how it. Customize the Ribbon and toolbars in Office for Mac. 2019 for Mac Word 2019 for Mac Excel 2016 for Mac PowerPoint 2016 for Mac Word 2016 for Mac Word for Mac 2011 Excel for Mac 2011 PowerPoint for Mac 2011. Select the commands and click the arrows to add or remove from the Customize Quick Access Toolbar box.

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I'm working with a document with pictures. Unfortunately I did not create the original document, so I don't know how the text box was set up. I know a text box exists in the document, but after resizing pictures and moving them around the text box disappeared. Fifa 8 demo download. How to install custom maid 3d 2

How do you make text bend in illustrator. In Office 11 (Mac) at the top, go to VIEW and make sure 'Standard' is selected under 'Toolbars'. Go to Insert → WordArt.Type in your text in the wordart box. Hit the 'Format' button, right next to 'Home'. Oct 27, 2018  If you want to bend your text around a circular object, click the Circle option (e.g., the circular text with no word in the middle) in this drop-down menu. 9 Adjust your WordArt's appearance. You can use WordArt with a Transform text effect to partially curve or bend text around a shape. If you want the text to circle the shape, you can also do this, but it’s a little bit more work. If you want the text to circle the shape, you can also do this, but it’s a little bit more work. WordArt is a quick way to make text stand out with special effects. You begin by picking a WordArt style from the WordArt gallery, launched from the Insert tab, which you can then customize. In the WordArt gallery, the letter A represents the different designs that are applied to all text you type.

Microsoft Word Toolbar

When I print the document the text box is not there (doesn't print). The only way I've been able to see the text box after making the necessary changes to the pictures is to go into the 'Reading Layout.' I like to operate primarily in the 'Print Layout,' but when I am in this layout I cannot see the text box at all. I am using Word 03. I've changed the layout of the pictures to 'Behind Text' but I still cannot view the text box.